FODAC - Stone Mountain
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children is a statewide and national provider of home health careequipment—mobility aids and daily living devices for people with disabilities and the newly injured.

Three Rivers AAA
Official FODAC drop off site
Friends of Disabled Adults
25 pieces per drop off day
More information: 866-854-5652​​

Our Links

Other Links:

Providing older adults education for and access to computer technologies to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom.

Pioneer Network:
Transforming the culture of aging in America by​changing governmental policy and regulation; changing individual's and society's attitudes toward aging and elders; changing elders' attitudes towards themselves and their aging; and changing the attitudes and behavior of caregivers toward those for whom they care. 

Eden Alternative

An international, non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to creating quality of life for Elders and their care partners, wherever they may live.
